𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐂𝐎 tienen un verano de infarto con casi 40 conciertos programados, algunos que iremos desvelando próximamente y otros que ya puedes encontrar toda la información en:
It will be a non-stop summer that we will face with enthusiasm.
We will use every means necessary to reach these wonderful countries that continue to welcome us after all this year!
Are You ready? Where will you come to visit us?
➢ 12.09.2024 - ES - Guadaralaja, Castilla/La Mancha - CrisisRock
+ INFO CONCIERTOS 🎟️ ⚡️ ⇢ https://bit.ly/TALCO-shows
🎮 Here we are, crazy as usual 🎮It will be a non-stop summer that we will face with enthusiasm.
We will use every means necessary to reach these wonderful countries that continue to welcome us after all this year!
Are You ready? Where will you come to visit us?
➢ 12.09.2024 - ES - Guadaralaja, Castilla/La Mancha - CrisisRock
➢ 14.09.2024 - ES - Vilaxoán de Arousa - Revenidas
➢ 15.09.2024 - Mallorca - XXII Fira Internacional del Disc
➢ 15.09.2024 - Mallorca - XXII Fira Internacional del Disc
➢ 28.09.2024 - Vizcaya - Fiesta Mayor de Basauri
➢ 04.10. 2024 - Inssbruc (TBA)
➢ 05.10.2024 - AT - Graz - ErntePUNKfest
➢ 20.04.2025 - MPF 2025 (Manchester Punk Festival)